Tuesday, January 22, 2008

They're at it again

I hope everyone got to see last nights heated democratic debate.

So good!

Billary and Oprama got into a few arguments while John Edwards sat back wishing people cared about him.

Sen. Obama had one of the funniest answers when asked about Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison's comment that President Bill Clinton -- Sen. Clinton's husband who, as president, was hugely popular with black voters -- was America's "first black president."he responded very professionally saying:

"I would have to investigate more of Bill's dancing ability and some of this other stuff before I accurately judged whether he was, in fact, a brother."

It's nice that they have a sense of humor and aren't just robots.

It was not all fun and games though, Sen. Obama also stated that he felt that he was campaigning against both Clintons. What about the power that is Oprah! After such an amazing response to the above question why would he trump it with such a hypocritical statement like that.

But the most important question of the night was about our slipping economy - CLICK HERE to hear the responses.