Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Barack HUSSEIN Obama

This is a 2 part post - Please read both parts - Thanks & Enjoy

Part 1 - Barack Hussein Obama

The fact that people mention Democratic Nominee Barack Obama's middle name "Hussein" in a negative way or try and persuade the uneducated voters by "scaring" them with it (I'm assuming that it is in reference to Former Iraq Ruler President Saddam Hussein) absolutely disgusts me, Let's be honest and THINK about it for a second instead of jumping to conclusions just so you have something "interesting" to talk about over dinner. Just because you share the same name as someone doesn't mean you are going to be like that person, anybody with a brain should know that. I have a good friend named Timothy - Uh Oh! That's the same first name as Timothy McVay that must mean he is going to blow up a building! Or my friend Charlie - He is going to start a cult and have people killed by his followers because he has the same first name as Charlie Manson. Yeah, Sounds like an absolute joke - Just like the people who mention Democratic Nominee Barack Obama's middle name.

Please try and get your information from a creditable resource and not simply from "chain emails".

Part 2 - Separate Church from State

I realize that talking about religion is like talking about Martin Luther King Jr. at a Clan rally. You will inevitably offend somebody. But, I have things that I believe people need to hear.

My views on the whole deal are simple, I 100% think everyone needs to believe in something but, Instead of believing in some golden finger from the sky, I choose to believe in myself - which I think is far more believable, I can see myself and let's be honest when you can see something that kind of helps with its credibility a little bit, Don't you think? Then people ask "What? Do you believe in the 'Big Bang Theory'?" My answer is - Number One, The "Big Bang" has been scientifically proven plausible, But I choose to just think that I'm here and I want to live my life how I choose, Not having to live up to the standards of someone/thing that is considered "Perfect". I will post my personal email address at the bottom of the post for all the hate mail, But wait! If you believe in God you can't Hate or Judge, So don't judge my views or send me hate mail or God has a place for you where you will burn, suffer, and not be able to die! But...He loves you.

The second part of this post is called "Separate Church from State" because 99% of the wars or global conflict has been started because of religion. And like I said you never know who you will offend.


... And as promised - ZakMeents@Gmail.Com

Thanks for reading,
