Friday, October 3, 2008

Vice Presidential Debate


I think calling last nights vice presidential debate a bloodbath or completely one-sided would be without a doubt an understatement.

Sarah Palin refused to answer ANY question that moderator Gwen Ifill asked her during the debate. Instead she gave a half ass comment on some other issue she picked, seemingly, out of the air. She tried to keep most of those comments about Energy or Alaska, Her obvious safety zones. Although she has never given her ideas on how to fix the energy crisis, and she also still thinks humans had absolutely nothing at all to do with the global warming crisis. I suppose we could just blame it on the Iraqi people, Osama Bin Laden, or some Sovereign nation with a lot of what we want...Money!

Both Senator [Joe] Biden and Gov. Palin tried to play the "I'm an average Joe" card throughout the evening. Joe Biden talked about how he was a "Scrappy kid from Scranton" and Sarah Palin obnoxiously "winked" at the cameras [see above picture] and said things like "Darn Right" and "Heck Yeah" before and after almost every sentence. Gov. Palin also referred to every day Americans as "Joe Six Pack" and of course the ever annoying "Hockey Mom" phrase was used a few too many times as well.

Both Senator Biden and Gov. Palin agreed on one thing that neither party with allow gay marriages because it is not sanctioned by the bible. I would like to add that pre-marital sex is also not sanctioned by the church yet we all know that Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is unwed and pregnant.

The Republicans also have a new game they like to play. It goes something like, If the Democrats mention anything at all about the atrocity that is the Bush Administration they say something like "How can you promote change if you keep looking at things in the past". It's almost laughable that they do this. They are obviously scared that people might figure out that if they vote in John McCain it will be without a doubt Four More Years of George W. Bush! Which I can understand why they are scared, nearly all of John McCain's issues are the exact same as George W. Bush's!

All in all Senator Joe Biden won the debate. He answered every question and responded to every lie that Gov. Palin tried to lay on the American people. Even McCain supporting Republicans said this morning things like "You know how when you get a new job you are watched very closely for any mistakes? Well, I think that Sarah Palin would have been fired within the first 5 minutes of the debate." She completely embarrassed herself and the Republican ticket last night.